www.paraelcamino.com – Lutheran Hour Ministries Spanish-Language Web Site. Weekly message, devotions, other resources in Spanish. You can download free Lutheran Hour Ministry booklets in Spanish at: www.paraelcamino.com/booklets.asp. Titles include: Stress, Divorce, Where is God when I Suffer?, Bringing Up Children, Depression, etc.
www.cph.org – Concordia Publishing House. Lutheran Spanish and Bilingual resources, including bilingual catechisms, bilingual VBS materials, Spanish Bible commentaries, Spanish hymnals, and the Book of Concord in Spanish.
www.ethnicharvest.org – Ethnic Harvest. Statistics, ministry resources, ideas and links for ethnic-specific ministries.
http://chs.csl.edu – Center for Hispanic Studies at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. Advanced theology courses in English and/or Spanish for men and women who want to prepare to serve as ordained pastors or consecrated deaconesses in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
www.centerforusmissions.org – Center for U S Missions. Courses and coaching for planting churches in general in the U.S. Directly pertains to Anglo chuch planting, but many of the ideas work also in a Hispanic setting. Part of Concordia University in Irvine, California.
www.linchouston.org – Lutheran Inter-City Network Coalition (in Houston). They have a lot of good ideas and are willing to share. Unfortunately the web site is mostly dedicated to their own particular ministry events rather than general resources that you can use. However, there is contact information that you can use to give them a call.
www.rm.lcms.org – Rocky Mountain District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Here you can find information and news (in English only) about the congregations and leaders of the District.