The Lutheran Hispanic Missionary Institute prepares 2 different groups of people for Hispanic/Latino ministry:
1) Non-Hispanic church leaders and congregations: Many leaders and congregations see the need to reach out among Hispanics/Latinos but don’t know where to start. The Missionary Institute offers workshops, webinars, and sometimes full online courses to help Anglos (and others) start to cross cultural barriers with Christ’s love.
Workshops are usually face-to-face in a congregation or conference center. They can be adapted to the needs of a specific group of people. Please call us or write us to ask about having a workshop in your area: (915)790-2300 / Recent workshops in Arizona and Texas included the following:
- Challenge and Opportunity of Hispanic/Latino Missions
- Hispanic/Latino Neighbors
- Models and Steps for Beginning a Hispanic/Latino Outreach
Webinars are online conferences that last 1-2 hours. For each Webinar, the Missionary Institute usually brings in a specialist to discuss a certain aspect of Hispanic ministry. More information will be posted as it is available. Examples of recent Webinars include:
- Hispanic Family Ministry
- Bridging Cultural Barriers
- Immigration Issues
2) Hispanic Men and Women Who Want to Serve the Lord as Leaders: According to multiple studies and surveys, the biggest need in Hispanic/Latino ministry is for affordable, quality theological education for potential leaders. The Missionary Institute provides 16 courses in its Basic Theology curriculum. These courses are mission-oriented, practical, and offered online. They are available in either Spanish or English. Here is the course list:
BIB 101 – The Mission of God in the Old Testament
A general introduction to the Old Testament and its importance for the missionary in a Hispanic environment. The history and books of the Old Testament are studied to understand how God carried out his mission of salvation in the ancient world.
BIB 102 – The Mission of God in the New Testament
A general introduction to the most important characters and events in the New Testament and their importance for the missionary in a Hispanic environment. The history and books of the New Testament are studied in order to understand how God carried out his mission of salvation in the time of the apostles. The course concentrates primarily on the mission work of the early Christians, leaving the study of the life of Jesus for the most part to be covered in BIB 103.
BIB 103 – The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ
A general introduction to the life and mission of Jesus Christ on earth, and their importance for the missionary in a Hispanic environment. The 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and the events in the life of Jesus are studied to understand how God Himself became a missionary in Christ in order to save our world.
BIB 110 – Biblical Interpretation
A general introduction to healthy principles for interpreting and applying the Bible. Factors related to the author, the text, and the reader are studied to understand and faithfully communicate what God is saying to us. The written Word of God is used to understand and reveal the living Word of God (Jesus Christ).
Class Materials: BIB 110 – Guidelines for Biblical Interpretation
DOC 101 – Basic Teachings of the Christian Faith
A general introduction to the fundamental teachings of the Christian faith and their importance for the mission of the church. These teachings (doctrines) are taken from the Bible and examined from a Lutheran perspective, which always puts the Gospel at the forefront.
HIS 101 – The Mission of God in the History of the Church
A general summary of how God has carried out His mission of salvation throughout the history of the Christian church from apostolic times until the present, with an emphasis on the importance of this history for the missionary in a Hispanic environment.
HIS 102 – The Mission of God in the Reformation
A general introduction to the important characters and events from the Reformation of the church, which God carried out through Martin Luther and other leaders. The course gives special attention to the touchstones of the Reformation (Faith alone, Grace alone, Scripture alone) and the methods by which God, through the reformers, not only transformed the personal faith of many people, but also stimulated evangelization and missions.
PRA 101 – Evangelism in a Hispanic Context
A general introduction on how to share the Christian faith with nonbelievers. Students learn a simple format for communicating the message of salvation. The course touches on some basic characteristics of different sects, and discusses the worldviews common among Hispanics who do not yet believe in Christ.
PRA 103 – Church Planting Principles
A general introduction to the principles and practices for beginning a new “Hispanic” congregation, particularly in the environment of the United States. Students learn the Biblical basis of missions, the characteristics of a healthy church, steps to follow in establishing a new church, different models of missions and congregations, and how to overcome cultural barriers.
PRA 104 – Church Planting Seminar
A series of studies on different issues in church planting, led by missionaries with experience in the field. Topics addressed include: the theology of missions, models and methods of church planting, “holistic” missions, training leaders, migration and poverty, and strategic planning.
PRA 110 – Christian Education
A general introduction to the theology and practice of teaching the Word of God. The course addresses Christ’s command to “[teach] them to obey all that I have commanded you,” the life and training of teachers, the steps in preparing a basic Bible class, and special programs like Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation classes (discipleship), youth groups, and small group Bible studies.
PRA 120 – Worship and Song in the Church
A general introduction to the theology and practice of the worship of God and the place of song in the Christian church and in the Lutheran church in particular, with an emphasis on the relationship between the worship of God and the mission of God.
PRA 130 – Preaching the Word
A general introduction to the theology and practice of preaching the Word of God. This course deals with how to prepare and present a Biblical message to a congregation or other group of people. Although directed primarily at pastors, other leaders may take the course to deepen their own understandings and learn how to speak in public more effectively.
PRA 140 – The Mission and Ministry of Service
A general introduction to the mission and ministry of “service” in the church, with particular attention given to the practical steps to be followed in spiritual care and visitation, human care, and community outreach. The course includes a bare-bones outline of the deaconate ministry and its history in the church.
PRA 150 – The Bible and the Hispanic Family
A general introduction to what the Bible says on family relations. In particular, this course contemplates how church leaders ought to relate to their own families, how to counsel those faced with familial issues, and how the church can provide family friendly activities to witness to and strengthen families.
PRA 160 – Organization of a New Church
An introduction to the theology and practice of organizing a new congregation. The course covers the nature of the church and its mission, stewardship, the pastoral ministry, the government of a church, constitutions and statutes, planning, directing meetings, conflict resolution, and relations with other churches.